Wednesday, 29 January 2014

CCNA Training

CCNA Training

Data NetworksSharing data through the use of floppy disks is not an efficientor cost-effective manner in which to operate businesses.Businesses needed a solution that would successfully addressthe following three problems:• How to avoid duplication of equipment and resources• How to communicate efficiently• How to set up and manage a networkBusinesses realized that networking technology couldincrease productivity while saving money.
Networking DevicesEquipment that connects directly to a network segment isreferred to as a device.These devices are broken up into two classifications.• end-user devices• network devicesEnd-user devices include computers, printers, scanners, andother devices that provide services directly to the user.Network devices include all the devices that connect the end-user devices together to allow them to communicate.

Network Interface CardA network interface card (NIC) is a printed circuit boardthat provides network communication capabilities to andfrom a personal computer. Also called a LAN adapter.

RepeaterA repeater is a network device used to regenerate a signal.Repeaters regenerate analog or digital signals distorted bytransmission loss due to attenuation. A repeater does notperform intelligent routing.
HubHubs concentrateconnections. In other words,they take a group of hostsand allow the network to seethem as a single unit.This is done passively,without any other effect onthe data transmission.Active hubs not onlyconcentrate hosts, but theyalso regenerate signals
BridgeBridges convert network transmission data formats as well asperform basic data transmission management. Bridges, asthe name implies, provide connections between LANs. Notonly do bridges connect LANs, but they also perform a checkon the data to determine whether it should cross the bridge ornot. This makes each part of the network more efficient.

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